My son had his Facebook account created when he was only 10 years old, by his father! I was totally against the idea of him having a Facebook account at a very young age. Furthermore, the idea of his father lied about his age hence the account could be created, was unacceptable. Reason behind, to communicate with the school and the class teacher as all the communication, announcement would be published at the school's FB. What else can I say if the school/teacher encourage the primary student to have an account. To lessen my disappointment, his father promised that he will monitor the usage and the access to my son's FB. On top of that, I made him to ensure that access and usage of the laptop, tablet and internet only in the presence of either one of us.....regardless the reasons; schoolwork, school project, playing games etc. Subhanallah.... I was really mad that time!
For me, at such young age, the kids still do not have the capabilities to differentiate what is wrong, what is right, what is the fact and what is actually just a lie (made up story).... I am afraid, as parents I would not able to protect him from all the 'cons' of FB.... There are many good things about FB especially for businesses, but we cannot ignore the bad side of it. I don't want to argue about the good or bad of FB.... the issue is "Does it suitable for my young kid (son)?"
I had once accessed to my son's FB to check on his FB activities.....and as I checked on one of his 'chat group' (I don't know what it really called) which is his class group, at one point of time, it became the place for them to insult each other. They call names, all the bad words came out. It became really 'hot' until the class teacher interrupt the conversation. I realised that, it must be consistently monitored. I don't know if users or even my son would agree with me, but I think the kids need to be consistently reminded and monitored to ensure that they are on the right path. Not alone on the usage of internet and social networking, but other aspect as well.
So, for the parents out there whom aware of their young age kids FB, I really hope that you take your time to have a peek at their FB. They are at a stage of believing and following.
And for my son Aryss, I am sorry that I have to do this. It is for your own good. Ma love you.
So, for the parents out there whom aware of their young age kids FB, I really hope that you take your time to have a peek at their FB. They are at a stage of believing and following.
And for my son Aryss, I am sorry that I have to do this. It is for your own good. Ma love you.
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