Friday 21 March 2014

Blogging : My very first entry

Blogging? Oh...Hhummm.... But why?  What will be the purpose?  Entry?  What is that?

That was my first reaction when I got to know that we are supposed to have our own personal blog for Prof Zaidi's MIS 750 class.  Frankly speaking, I am not fancy of having my own blog.  I barely created my personal e-mail (yahoo) during my bachelor degree which was on 27/11/2007 for FIN545 subject.

I don't even own Facebook (FB) account, and now I have to create and actually post entries in my own personal blog.  What should I write?  How should I write?  I am not good in telling stories and I don't like telling stories (except with family members and close friends). 

Don't misunderstood me.  I am not against all these social networking applications whatsoever,  I just don't feel that I want to have one.  I just don't feel that I want to search for my secondary or primary schoolmates, old buddies even long lost relatives.  Call me 'out of trend', call me 'conservative',  call me whatever you want.  I just don't feel like having one,  that's all.

I do respect and impress by successful bloggers.  For me, they are a group of people who are very good in writing and in sharing their stories. They are gifted and brave enough to share their thought, experience, personal life, dreams, feelings, expectation etc.  They are creative as they are able to attract people to follow their blog. I do not follow any bloggers, so don't ask me what contribute to the success of the blog.

But, sometimes I wonder 'Is it necessary to share everything?'

This only my thought.  After all, this is my very first entry to my own blog though.......

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